Gaming has been broadcasted on television for years from companies such as MLG, and gaming on YouTube has been common since the creation of the platform in 2005. With the creation of Twitch, gaming was introduced to the live stream media market over the internet and has been steadily growing for years. Within the last few Twitch has seen a major spike in content creators and viewership due to highly popularized games such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, and League of Legends.
Back in 2018, when Fortnite started to take over the gaming world, Stream Builds was made to help transition people from gamers to gaming content creators on Twitch. Though the company has had a slow start, the potential it gives to support content creators with streaming technology, best practices, and networking strategies made it stand out to the small community formed around it.
As of May 2021, the Stream Builds project has been placed on a temporary hold. These are a few of the services provided on Stream Builds and some services that are in the works.

The original idea for the business was to provide a consultation service for streamers. One-on-One conversations about anything stream related seemed like a unique approach at the time. Only a handful of clients reached out for support, but unfortunately the business was not profitable. Stream Builds was paying too much for web hosting on a business that wasn’t generating income to cover the costs, nor could the business cover the domain registration costs. One the last day of Stream Builds’ existance, Jaike exported a backup of the site and shut down Stream Builds. Once he transitioned to a new host and started Silverberg Tech, Jaike restarted Stream Builds on the cheaper host and cheaper domain registration plan.
The idea behind Stream Builds was to create a platform where people who are new to live stream gaming or people who are streaming veteran looking to improve their streams. The project was started in 2018 as a project for an entrepreneur class. At the time, Jaike’s passion for streaming was what drove him to create the support platform.

Stream Builds is waiting for its next project, and here are some of the ideas that have been proposed for Stream Builds’ growth:
Stream Builds Project

Online Courses
Streamers will have access to free and premium online courses that will guide them on how to improve their streaming content
Courses on topics like: Broadcasting Tools, Stream Alerts, Chat Bots, Moderation, Stream Scheduling, Professionalism, Community Development, and more
Same functionality as Nightbot, but with key features like “Greet Returning Members” and “Follower Rank”.
Other features will include the Stream Builds Supporter Rewards system (discussed below)

Streamer Merch
Streamers go-to for everything they need to design, print, and sell their branded merchandise
Get connected with professional graphic designers, apparel manufacturers, and establish an online store with services provided by Silverberg Tech
Stream Support Rewards
Streamers can earn rewards for supporting other Stream Builds members. Raiding, chatting, lurking, donating, and subbing will show your support and earn both streamers rewards on Stream Builds